Stepping out for EACH – Charity Fashion Show

I have been asked to be an exhibitor at Trinity Park Sunday 9th March 2014, on behalf of St Joseph’s College.

St Joseph’s College and its students value the work EACH provides and is holding the “Stepping Out for EACH” event, which is a Charity Fashion Show to help EACH to raise money, reaching its 6 million target for 2014.

The event is being held from 7pm – 10pm at Trinity Park, Ipswich. The evening will consist of a fashion show, range of exhibitors (including me!) a raffle & refreshments. Tickets are £10 which can be purchased direct from the school or on the evening.

Look forward to seeing you all there!!


Blast from the past

So I’ve been in Studio 4 since the summer of 2012, which seems such a long time ago now – but I came across few pictures of the Studio when I moved in. It seems to bare & so empty!

What a blast from the past!

It worked!

Excited to see how my new piece worked out, so I cracked open the kiln to have a peek! Looked great so I decided to take it out of the kiln and break it away from the mould. A really messy, but difficult task because the glass was a lot thinner than I expected. It was extremely tense removing the mould, piece by piece – so worried the glass would break. But it worked! De-moulded and in one piece, so I gave it a quick clean and hey presto! Few pictures to show my excitement!


I have finally got to grip with how WordPress works (after months of putting it off!) So I have been updating my website with all the things I’ve been up to and will be up to in 2014. Still a lot of work to do! Best crack on and stop writing on here!!

The end of Jan!

Crikeys! What a month! It has gone super quickly and I’m not sure quite what I have done. The studio got a spring clean, with a lot of old work being thrown out or boxed up to make way for all my new ideas this Spring will bring.